Membership Renewal

- Product code: MR
Membership runs from July 1st to the following June 30th.
Full Member
This category entitles a person to receive copies of the Association’s newsletter “The Ship’s Bell” which gives information about the activities of the Association and the Ship. Each member is entitled to one voting right at the AGM. This membership does not entitle participation in volunteer member activities.
Concessional Member
A person who at the commencement of the current membership year is 15 years or over but not turned 18 years of age, or is a full-time student at a recognised education institution or is in possession of a recognised concession card. This category entitles a person to receive copies of the Association’s newsletter “The Ship’s Bell” which gives information about the activities of the Association and the Ship. Each member is entitled to one voting right at the AGM. This membership does not entitle participation in volunteer member activities.
VOLUNTEER Concession Member or VOLUNTEER Full Member
If you are looking for active involvement with One and All, then the Volunteer Concession Membership or Volunteer Full Membership is for you. These categories entitles a person to receive copies of the Association’s newsletter “The Ship’s Bell” which gives information about the activities of the Association and the Ship. You will also receive email notifications to help a the many activities we have on both the land and water. There are social and training events during the season which will be communicated through the "Ship to Shore" flyer.
Each member is entitled to one voting right at the AGM. A Volunteer Concession Member or Volunteer Full Member is open for 15 years & over.
Both categories of Volunteer Member will be expected to obtain the following – a SAPOL Police Clearance & DCSI Child Screening. These are mandatory for volunteering at any events with One and All, and need to be maintained currency.